Mollificio Lombardo is based in Carvico, in the province of Bergamo, and is located on an area of 18 thousand square meters, of which 9000 are covered. Its products meet the demands of companies in the most diverse industrial sectors - from mechanics to electronics, from textiles to automotive, from aeronautics to communications, to springs for lifts, helmets, the surgical and dental sectors - and are characterized by superior quality, certified according to the Uni En Iso 9001: 2000 and Iso / TS 16949: 2000 standards and guaranteed by a careful control of materials and production processes and by an IT system for managing the work progress. Mollificio Lombardo today aims to consolidate itself also in the high-end furniture-design sector, with its precision springs.
One of the main features that made Mollificio Lombardo's fortune was the ability to make the right choices at the right time. A quality certainly not common, which is the result of the entrepreneurial instinct and sensations of Emilio Longoni, CEO. "I have always made my choices following my instinct much more than the objective aspects of the budget or the market, looking for to anticipate the times, obviously all this only increases the risk of error - specifies the President. "When you make an investment, you spend days thinking if you have done the right thing, if you have not put the company in difficulty , and it is undoubtedly an unpleasant sensation that wears you out and scares you. But if the results come, you charge up and are ready to do more again. In 2009, in the midst of the crisis, when the market seemed dead, and there were no objective reasons to make new investments, we bought two machines that would have given us a boost in sectors where we were not very competitive, it was the right time to get a great price, fortunately since 2010 they have been working 12 hours a day and are giving excellent results ".