Si è Concluded with a very positive balance 26-rsquo; experience of Rehau's 26th edition of Interzum, the mostù A world-wide fair in the 26-rdquo; scope of the subcontract for the furniture industry and semi-finished products.
Leading supplier of polymer polymer services and solutions, now also a reference point for 26-rsquo; energy-saving building, renewable energy exploitation, water management, mobileà And Future Living, Rehau set up at the Cologne fair a 550 sqm stand inspired by a modern and spacious loft. Elevated the number of visitors welcomed, who have cos-26 games; Had the possibilità To discover the più Recent novità Relating to the design of furniture and to observe how individual products are used in suggestive domestic and commercial environments. Many appreciated the many application tips and new services for qualityà interior design; .- 26-nbsp;
Among the novità Presented by Rehau during the 26th edition of Interzum 2017 catalyzed the 26-rsquo; attention to the program of Rauvisio surfaces, which è Has been expanded with new colors, decorative designs and tip variants that translate into various 26-agrave; Of application. The magnetized version Crystal magnetic è Ideal for designing the 26-inch kitchen environment but also for office furniture, the Karat polar stone seduces its look and versatilityà ;, the Crystal mirror &eraser; Was rewarded with l’ “ High Product Quality” Interzum Award 2017 for innovative material with which è realized. Once again, Rehau has been able to give concrete expression to the technological evolution and demonstrated great competence in the development of functional and modern solutions for furniture design. Attractive settings for kitchens, bathrooms and offices have gained full acceptance from visitors and industry experts.
At the Cologne Rehau Fair also presented the complete range of Raukantex Edges: a 26-rsquo; offer over 20,000 colors and decorations, perfectly matched to the surfaces and compatible with any application technology. They are designed to offer furniture manufacturers the perfect solutions for any needà Aesthetic, functional and machining. No-26; One example is the Pro board, made entirely of polymeric material and characterized by a color-matching functional layer on the visible side of the same, capable of melting optimally in each blending process, giving cos&igers; The possibilità To get a 26-rsquo; perfect union and a zero escape effect over the years.
Among the new products exhibited by Rehau at the stand at Interzum 2017 we also show kitchens systems such as Rauvolet shingles in the glass effect effect and metal effect and the Rauwalon perfect-line range. Great interest also aroused the design of workstations that privileged l’ acoustics through sophisticated sound absorbing solutions, customizable externally with colors and graphic prints. In a 26-rsquo; area, visitors also learned more about Rehau's services to meet the needs of interior designers; A special focus has been placed on online tools and configurators that allow you to design and order furniture components quickly and easily.