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  • Madras glass

LED illumination renders spectacular every glass Madras

Metropolis, a concept conceived dallArch. Silvio De Ponte for Vitrealspecchi Nellambito Connections / Connections for FuoriSalone 2016, showed new glass applications destinations Madras, with a strong visual content through allinterazione glass-LED. In fact diffused illumination from a LED light source in the crystalline material thickness highlights the Madras processing surfaces is engraved and satin, making it the most spectacular small dots, patterns, textures, the decori.La choice of color Valuable glass: for maximum light transmission preferable to use low-iron glass.

  • glass Madras

Madras Vitrealspecchi

Dallintensit dellilluminazione depends on the Metropolis dation radius: must not be too violent because, especially in the case of transparent glass, would highlight the impurities present in the material, and normally invisible. The most balanced solution the best and should be chosen case by case, depending THE ENVIRONMENT in which placed the glass and the distance from which it will be observed: a wall in the interior will require unilluminazione different from a parapet.