Despite the difficult historical moment, Citterio Line, a leading company in the production of handles and accessories for mobile The industry, he pointed allampliamento of its range with the creation of several new models, geared especially allambiente modern and contemporaneo.Fra the latest news, the article 399 is distinguished, in wheelbase mm.160 (in the second image), a handle design model, which has a particular concave shape that develops sullintera, wide central surface of the handle to regain the fullness of form in the legs thereof.
The architecture of the handle thus characterized by a refined solution, which creates an illusion of perspective particolare.Spirito group, experience, innovation, research, high quality of service and customer satisfaction have always been the goals of Citterio Line (in first image, the show-room business), which allow allimpresa to express every day, at the highest level, a quality only Made in Italy.