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Schattedecor in Interzum: latest trends

Another great success for Schattdecor, a company based in Thansau, specializing in the creation of surfaces and international note. Presented with a stand of 700 mq all’ last edition of Interzum, the 26-nbsp; più A major trade fair in the world of the 26-nbsp; sub-supply for 26-rsquo; furniture industry and semi-finished products, the brand has presented all its novità Product and trend. L’ the attention of many visitors è It was captured above all by the reproductions of stone printed in digital and large format, as well as by the innovative floor surfaces. With the motto &ld Multidimensional Lifestyles&r, Schattdecor illustrated the latest trends in design by dividing its exhibition area into four areas: Community Zone, Ageless Living, Smart Home and Micro Housing. Tourists have also been guided by 26-rsquo; experts to better know the products in question and also draw inspiration from them. The trends in question were also summarized in a booklet describing the più Recent changes in the 26-inch interior design and provide valuable designers and designers with advice on materials and colors.

Stone reproductions print in digital

The stand set up by Schattdecor at Interzum 2017 has taken into account the different typologies of the 26-rsquo; Among other things, numerous stone reproductions were made with the digital system and in some cases developed over 5 meters in length without repetition: è Was also a way of highlighting potentialsà Of this system. Thanks to the moreù technologies; Innovative, digital printing può To be considered a perfect completion of the gravure printing. The high light designs presented at the fair were “ Kitami” “ Rovere Catania” ” Jackson Hickory& rdquo; Wasabi” And “ Barcelona” The pavement pavement also aroused considerable interest; For the first time and in great style è In fact, the new Schattdecor Proflex 3D product was shown, which convinced first of all for the PVC free material. The base for the Proflex è It is made up of a non-polluting PP substrate, on which it is directly printed and subsequently protected by a thermoplastic film. The result è A flexible and elastic surface, particularly resistant to wear and durability. The structured surface has a natural tactile and optical effect, è Warm to the touch, easy to maintain; L’ also ideal for those who have an ecological conscience.

New products and connectivity

During the 26th ed. 2017 of Interzum, as always held in Cologne, Schattdecor has also introduced other new products including Decolay Real, Smartfoil Evo and Smartfoil Mat; The first one captured 26-rsquo; especially attention for the characteristic of syncronità ;, of the second è It was highly appreciated the 26-rsquo; veneered effect and the third the fact that it is a dampening surface. Not only. Grande curiosità Has turned on the brand-new app that makes design recognition possible and through a scanning feature provides more information about the design itself on mobile devices. E’ The website also revolutionized content, which now has a perfectly optimized structure. Still, Schattdecor has organized a dedicated party, with a 26-ldquo; Servus&rdquo ;, to the outgoing president, Reiner Schulz. “ Never Like Now – Said Roland Auer, current Sales and Marketing Director - we presented ourselves soì Consistent with a fair, demonstrating d’ they have actually become specialists on surfaces. All’ Interzum we have enthusiasted visitors with a spin of new products, new trends and innovations. We see positive feedback from customers as an incentive to continue working on our projects. We look to the future full of confidence and d‘ enthusiasm”