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  • Concreo concrete panel

concrete panel

Between the concrete panels to larredo-design, it stands out senzaltro Concreo, an innovative panel capable of revolutionizing the ambient tem mode of concrete in the design of high-end interiors. Thanks to its very original features, Concreo makes possible the realization of structures and concrete coatings in a simple, convenient and aesthetically significant. But what characterizes Concreo? This panel can be cut, milled, drilled and worked in any way, with the same machinery, blades and tools used for wood. It is composed of inert materials and fibers of high strength, completely environmentally friendly; solvent-free, non-toxic and fire retardant. Allumidit also resistant and are not influenced in case of contact with water: therefore recommended to also limpiego in the presence of high concentrations of moisture.

  • concrete panel Concreo

Features of Concreo

Thanks to the simplicity, allaccuratezza and to solidity by which the panels can be joined, with Concreo possible to develop entirely structures similar to structures built in concrete cast, but with the same mode used in the processing of classic panels wood and clear advantages in terms of low invasivit of interventions which incidentally, does not require the construction of formwork - of handling, workability, excellent portability, noevole cheapness, aesthetics, maintenance and smaltimento.Questo cement panel presents a extreme ease in the coating of the walls by means of fixing of the panels of standard systems. If you decide to use an anchoring system fitted specially selected by Concreo, there are many benefits or you can opt for direct bonding to the existing walls that you wish to play. Do not forget that the specific gravity in this case less than half of that of cast concrete. In addition, the yield excellent sound insulation, for the creation of high quality standards of living in environments also quite large and noisy. Finally, Concreo makes possible the realization of structures and concrete coatings in very easy way and available in different finishes and thicknesses.