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  • scorrevola Placard Emuca system

sliding systems Emuca

The Emuca Group designs, manufactures and markets a wide assortment of products for mobile and hardware sectors. The enterprise has over thirty years of experience in the field: anywhere close to the customer, with several subsidiaries in Europe. In important Emuca offer a balance between functionality, quality and price. That's why the enterprise offering competitive products, adapted to market trends and to the needs of the sector. The catalog has unampia variety DInformation to propose practical solutions in order to furnish environments such as home, kitchen, bathroom, office and so on. Besides, the enterprise counts on a Department of Research Development & specializing in the development of new product lines, that update and expand The offer competitive steadily.

  • Placard Emuca sliding system

Placard Emuca

And speaking dinnovazione, the sliding system Placard Emuca recommended for cabinets and cabins. Offers numerous advantages thanks to its versatility and great possibilities of compositions, finishes, profiles, panels. You can also mount it on sloping doors and ideal for basement or attic. And 'suitable for cabinets with two and three doors with a load capacity of 70kg and with the possibility dincorporare soft closures and antiscarrelamento system for added security. Placard features of the lower carriage spring locking mechanisms that facilitate the installation of doors. It is finally a sliding system for stylish wardrobe a truly competitive price.