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Thermofresch, innovative polyurethane signed by Pelma

Errore dettagliato IIS 10.0 - 404.15 - Not Found

Errore HTTP 404.15 - Not Found

Il modulo filtro delle richieste è configurato per negare una richiesta quando la stringa di query è troppo lunga.

Cause più probabili:

  • Per il server Web è configurato il filtro delle richieste per negare la richiesta quando la stringa di query è troppo lunga.

Possibili operazioni:

  • Verificare l'impostazione configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString nel file applicationhost.config o web.config.

Informazioni dettagliate sull'errore:

Modulo   RequestFilteringModule
Notifica   BeginRequest
Gestore   ASPClassic
Codice errore   0x00000000
URL richiesto
Percorso fisico   C:sitoweb ranslate ranslate.asp
Metodo di accesso   Non ancora determinato
Utente di accesso   Non ancora determinato

Altre informazioni:

Funzionalità di sicurezza. Non modificare tale funzionalità se non si è certi dell'ambito della modifica. È possibile configurare il server IIS per rifiutare le richieste con una stringa di query superiore a un valore specificato. Questo errore viene restituito se la stringa di query è superiore al valore configurato. Per aumentare la lunghezza consentita della stringa di query, modificare l'impostazione configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString.

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Constant temperature and resistance to molds and bacteria

Thermofresch, the thermal flexible polyurethane foam Pelma, absorbs the heat emitted by a body in contact with the material and manages to keep the temperature constant (between 28 and 35 degrees) in the 26-rsquo; normal use interval for a great time Longer than a non-thermal polyurethane. Thermofresh has brilliantly exceeded the accelerated aging test in the lab and proved to be close to 26-acute; Unchanged its 26-linked qualities, hygiene and the proliferation of molds and bacteria.




Numerous application areas: Thermofresh is used primarily for mattresses and pillows, but also for seats, prostheses, footwear, helmets and packings; Its proprietà Make it particularly suitable for hospital beds and cradle mattresses. As for washing and cleaning, the same applies to any flexible foam polyurethane.

Heat absorption

Flexible polyurethane foam Thermofresh by Pelma, contrary to most similar products, è thermal. This feature è The result of the 26-rsquo; use of special phase-change materials, that is, 26-egrave; Latent heat accumulators exploiting the phase transition phenomenon to absorb incoming energy flows and accumulate a high-quantumà Of energy. PCMs are kept at room temperature solids but if this salt too tends to liquefy by accumulating heat and subtracting it from both the environment and the human body lying on the polyurethane fabric. Conversely, when the temperature drops, the material solidifies and cuts heat. Still, unlike other bacteriostatic products, Thermofresh has a high resistance to the bacterial and mutagenic proliferation: the merit of the special Ultrafresh treatment process, which harnesses the natural capacità of’ silver.

Refreshing and breathable effect

“ Permaè Succeeded in creating a new polyurethane material that guarantees a 26-high breathable breathability; But above all a strong refreshing effect, especially useful in the hot summer days” è As stated by Professor Massimiliano Lanzi of the 26-rd Università Of Bologna, which also emphasizes the 26-rsquo; utilità Of Thermofresh in hospitals and in all cases where people are forced to maintain the same position for a long time, in bed as on a couch or armchair. “ If we think of the polyurethane mattress – Lanzi also adds - the fact that the annoying phenomenon of the 26-rsquo; can be diminished in the summer; excessive contact warming certainly favors the state of rest. An important aspect of PCM è That the process of fusion and solidification of the same è Simple and reversible, so the movements, which naturally each of us do during sleep, are enough to reactivate this process continuously&rdquo ;. Even the little pleasant feeling of sitting on a chair&heated” From whom I’ has used before it is canceled in a very short time thanks to peculiarità Of Thermofresh.